looking &
healthy nails

Pro-gel manicure

Better than acrylic or dip powder

hat you get:

  • Impeccable cuticles done by modern E-file cleaning instead of ragged nipping
  • Healthy strong nail plates protected by high quality non-acidic European gels
  • Natural, vibrant and Wow-looking nail appearance that lasts 2-3 weeks
  • Personalized approach for treating short or weak nails with pro-gel
  • Durable and flexible gel base for nail plate protection
  • Best price on the market for the premium quality 1h long manicure: $50

* Add-ons: Simple design ($10), French ($15)

Why pro-gel manicure is better for nail health?

In the Pro-gel manicure, we use a soft but durable gel that is gentle to your natural nails. The result is shiny nails with no chipping, peeling, or cracking. It can last for up to 2-3 weeks with proper at-home care using the right cuticle oil and hand lotion that I can recommend to you during the visit. Unlike acidic liquid&powder or dipping powder acrylic nails, the Pro-gel manicure is also great for strengthening your long or short nail plates (read more).

However, if you already had some older gel polish, you would need to first remove it. Soaking your nails in acetone wrapped in foil is what leaves them dried out and brittle post-gel mani. You should typically avoid taking off gel polish at home – a professional will know how to do it without causing damage. That’s where the E-file manicure plays an important role. So, by combining the modern E-file manicure and the best quality soft gels, you avoid all the risks for your nail health and yet get bright and Wow-looking nails.

My commitment

Made professionally according to all the rules, the Pro-gel manicure really arouses admiration due to its natural look and protection for nail health. The key is to find a great experienced master who will not make any mistakes and turn your nails into a work of art. Also, your nails are not tools and should be treated as jewels. We use only the best gel products from Europe that are less acidic than acrylic or dip powder materials. Our gels provide much better long-term protection for your nails. Such a Wow-looking result is exactly what you get with me! View On Google